Putting the fun in infertility? But there is no fun in infertility. To which we respond: EXACTLY.
We are John and Jade Brookbank and thanks to testicular cancer we don't have a nut between us, which means we'll just have to procreate the old fashioned way - through the miracle of test tube babies...and if that doesn't work we'll roll the dice on a turkey baster and a prayer.
March 26, 2001 An ill-fated meeting. The next four years marks a bizarre romance so sickly sweet I don't even dare to blog about it.
March 26, 2005 Tied the noose! Decided to put off having kids for a while, as we were still pretty much kids ourselves, and jump start our careers. Plus we were having too much fun languishing in our independent and irresponsible young adult life.
Early 2008 Started tentatively dropping hints to each other about it getting to be THAT time. Baby fever starts to silently creep into the psyche.
September 17, 2008 The man-child turns 26 and is diagnosed with stage 4 testicular cancer.
October 2008 Try quickly to conceive all natural without success but are able to bank for later.
October 24, 2008 Testicular removal and the end of all hopes of having a baby the ol' fashioned way.
October 2008 - March 2009 Cancer spreads to John's lymph nodes, heart and lungs. Get our asses handed to us with 4 very intense rounds of chemotherapy.
March 2009 John battles cancer back with a big stick and wins!!!!!!!
January 2010 Decide to strap the ol' armor back on and begin the infertility battle. Schedule 1st appointment with RE and learn that our battle plan is IVF with ICSI. Bring it on!
March 24, 2010 Begin IVF cycle
April 2010 Retrieve 33 Eggs 18 Fertilized 14 Frozen Embryos 5 Day Transfer of 2 Blastocytes
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