Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ovaries + Follistim = WOW!

Starting: 04/15/10
Right - 19
Left - 20

Two days of Follistim: 04/17/10
Right - 25
Left - 30ish ( quote "I stopped counting at 30." )

My ovaries are feeling pretty crampy and tingly at this point.

And (naked) I have a SLIGHTLY rounded little tummy. That unexpected little development does not bode well and has made me realize that I should maybe start applying Cocoa Butter quickly..........just in case. :)


rebecca said...

Wow, you must be ready for retrieval any day, have they set a date? Not to worry you, but is your dr at all worried about OHSS...that's the highest number I've ever heard of. Take it easy & make sure you're drinking lots of fluids!

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